Monday, 25 May 2009

Some thoughts.

Well, where do I start?
The past few days have been interesting, that's for certain. It seems things are finally beginning to settle down.Me and Vincent are getting on more and more with each day, it's like he never stops getting...*Kelsy looks away to think for a few seconds, glancing back with a sparkle in her eye* More perfect.

I've recently met this Achuran lady, too. She seemed a bit strange at first, but lightened up once certain arrangements were made. Turns out she's got bit of a thing for Vince too, wants to see what makes him so special. It's definitely not something I could explain, else I would. We walked back to Vince's Arazu together, chatting about lots of things, mostly him. *Kelsy looks a bit dreamy at the thought of him, leaning on her hand* She's a nice woman when it comes down to it, but I get the feeling that there's more to her than meets the eye.

I should probably get some sleep, he'll be waking up soon, and I'd hate not to be right there next to him...*Kelsy turns around, looking at Vincent sleeping under the covers. She stays like this for what feels like seconds to her, actually being about two minutes, then turning back*
Just perfect.
*Kelsy closes the recording*